


eCommerce Brands

What's Changing?

Brands face multiple headwinds: competition from retail platforms, big brands, fast-followers, rising cost of acquisitions, and emerging upstarts.
At the same time, they have opportunities to deepen loyalty, create communities, leverage advocates, and customize experiences and products with better data.


The Opportunity

Brands that are growing have an advantage: they have customers, profitable product economics, and a brand identity that customers believe in.
The web3 "unlock" playbook stands on three main pillars:
Token UnlockConsumer do care and understand transactions, rewards, points, and value exchange. The right token unlock strategy can unleash more referrals, repeat purchase, or potentially new revenue streams that monetize community.
IRL UnlockEspecially for DTC brands, the "decentralized" nature of web3 creates a way to unlock "real life" experiences without investing in real-estate and staff. Instead, the identity plus tokens plus simplifies payment rails can create "pop-ups" that can create real-life, in-person shopping experiences.
Cross Brand UnlockThese promotions aren't just for the mega brands, fast food chain with movie release, for example. Intelligent sharing of data that protects privacy can create new promotional opportunities with complementary brands.

DTC Brands Unlock Playbook

Here are some example ways we would apply the Unlock Web3 Playbook for DTC companies. We look at solving some common challenges with DTC which include:
● How to increase revenue through new channels● How to deepen connection and repeat purchase through community● How to reduce operational load and fraud

Want to be a World Builder in eCommerce?

Take you career to the next level by becoming a World Builder at your company by applying web3 principles.