



From discovering business value opportunities to building main-net MVPs

Engaging Enterprises Need Broad Expertise

Protocols need to augment their Business Development with value added services for enterprise customers

Business Model Development

Identify business opportunities that can be launched quickly but have the opportunity to scale

Product Design / Specification

Design and specify a valuable product implementation

Architecture Design

Find a competitive advantage by building innovative processes onto the blockchain that reduce costs, increase security, or grow your partner ecosystem.

Launch Orchestration

Stay focused on your core business while leveraging the power of blockchains. Acquire customer, increase revenue, and lower operational costs.

Technical MVPs and Expertise

Jumpstarting a viable proof of concept

Write smart contracts

Take core ideas and build proof-of-concept smart contracts that meet the needs uncovered to unlock value to the busienss.

Co-develop with your team

Our goal is to educate and develop along side your existing developers and engineers. This co-development process is a way to educate them without taking time away from existing commitments.

Apply cryptographic primitives

The blockchain has varying degrees of privacy, openness, and transparency. Working with enterprises to ensure security with cryptography provides peace of mind and protections for customer data.

Simplify Token Management

We believe tokens will be the core for innovative businesses leveraging the blockchain. We will build tools and process to help with managing, monitoring, and integrating with existing systems.